01865 362790
Welcome to Islip Village Hall
Self funding and run by volunteers in support of the community
Islip Village Hall was built in the early 1950's, but was extensively refurbished in the millennium year and now provides a fantastic community facility for both the residents of Islip and those from neighbouring communities and beyond.
The range of bookings is very varied, from business meetings and toddler groups during weekdays, to concerts, plays, parties, keep fit classes, and full wedding receptions.
The Village Hall Committee, chaired by Debbie Jones, is a group of villagers who get together on a monthly basis, with the task of managing and maintaining the hall and also its fabulous outdoor recreational space. The hall is entirely self-funded and the aim is to provide the hub for a variety of village events during the year, in order to both raise funds for the upkeep of the facilities and also to get everyone together and have fun!
There are scores of other individuals who also help out regularly with different aspects of our organisation and we are truly grateful for all the support that is evident throughout the community. We liaise closely with other village organisations such as Dr South's School and the Parish Council to ensure that we have a wide range of events going on at the hall through all seasons.
Please get in touch if you have any suggestions or comments or would like to get involved in any way in future events or committee activities.
Islip Village Hall Management Committee
Debbie Jones - Chair & Secretary
Mel Green - Bookings Secretary - 01865 362790
Anthony Dandridge - Maintenance Supervisor
Christopher Rippon - Treasurer
Laura Swanston - Safeguarding Lead
Kate Broadbent
Lindsay Stead - Islip Village Shop Representative
Julian Wale - Technical Advisor
Village Hall Trustees
Debbie Jones - Chair
Anthony Dandridge
Christopher Rippon
Laura Swanston
Kate Broadbent
Company No: 5304045
VAT Registration No: 718312352
Charity No: 1107274
Islip Village Hall Limited,
Islip Village Hall,
Church Lane,
OX5 2TA.